Halves and wholes: 

$4.25/pound hanging weight for the animal.  You choose how you want it processed and what cuts you want. You then pay us based on the hanging weight of the animal and you pay the processor for their fees of processing to your liking.

Our whole animals typically have a hanging weight around 550 pounds. Depending on the final meat cuts you chose. You can expect to get about 350 pounds of finished product.

Ground beef from our freezer (call for availability)

Burger $7.00/pound

1 lb packs.  27 lbs per box.

Also available from our freezer (call for availability)

All smoked products are produced using NO MonoSodium Glutamate, artificial flavors, fillers, or nitrate.

Summer Sausage         $12/pound

Hot Dogs                     $13/pound

Ring Balogna               $13/pound

Beef Sticks                  $16/pound

Soup/Marrow Bones     $5/pound

Roasts                         $12/pound

Tenderloin                    $28/pound

Ribeye Steaks              $21/pound

NY Strip Steaks            $19/pound